Create your very own paintings with AI

Now, with the launch of PicassoAI, you can create your own paintings using AI. Yep, that's right, AI can now let you guys experiment with creating paintings without having to pull out the brush and paints. Through the website, you can simply pick a base image, a style image, and viola: your painting will be …

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AI Creating Art: Could AI also take over the creativity industry?

Can we create paintings using the techniques of old artists via machine learning? With Neural Style Transfer between images, it certainly is possible. Art generated by a machine learning model using a base and a reference painting The process is quite simple and can lead to multiple results. First, the user uploads a base image. …

Continue reading AI Creating Art: Could AI also take over the creativity industry?

Softie Pals – a new helpful website for all coming soon!

Being an indie or small developer is hard enough already, but finding users when you finally launch your product can be even more difficult than developing your game or software in the first place! Sure, building a community across discord,, Steam, Github is easy, but how do you get those users to join your …

Continue reading Softie Pals – a new helpful website for all coming soon!

Game Development Time-lapse of Parkour Sprinter

I thought it would be interesting to track the journey of the game from its first few features to its final form. The game was made in Unity. ' The game was recorded using Unity's free recorder tool that lets you record straight from the editor in 60fps HD. As always, if you have …

Continue reading Game Development Time-lapse of Parkour Sprinter

Effortlessly Record Your Unity Games From The Editor

Many developers struggle with using third party software to record footage of their games in Unity, but did you know that Unity provides you with an effortless tool to do this? With Unity Recorder, you can painlessly get 4K, 60 FPS videos at the press of the button. Not only that, but it also automatically …

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A Comprehensive Introduction To Linear Regression

In the 5th post of this series taking you from a total beginner to being able to a pro at creating your machine learning algorithms, we will take an in-depth look at linear regression. By the end, you will have a comprehensive understanding of everything you need to implement it fully! You may have seen …

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Linear Algebra Review For Machine Learning

In the 4th edition of this series, we will quickly go over the fundamental Linear Algebra concepts before we start building our machine learning algorithms using Octave. Don't worry, we'll keep the math to a minimal and only include what is absolutely needed. What is linear algebra needed in machine learning? As in the previous …

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The Programming Language For Learning Machine Learning

In post #3 of the series taking you from the very basics to the advanced techniques of machine learning, we'll take about the programming language we'll be using to actually implement the machine learning algorithms. We'll also look at the basic features of this language and how to start writing simple programs in it. And …

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